Academic Resource Center

MAT-230: Module 5 (with Video)

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This module introduces counting and counting principles, which are foundational to discrete probability. You'll begin learning about discrete probability here, with a deeper focus on it in the next module.

Permutation Formula

This video from Khan Academy explains the permutation formula and how to use it.

Combination Formula

This video from Khan Academy explains the combination formula and how to use it.

Probability Distribution 

This video from Khan Academy shows how to create the probability distribution of the number of heads after three flips of a fair coin.

LaTeX Truth Tables 

Use this information to learn more about LaTeX truth tables and additional symbols.

Note: You will need to log in to your zyBooks account to access this resource. This resource will walk you through how to use zyBooks, an interactive textbook where you will complete your readings, short participation activities, and labs for the course.

Probability Problems

This video demonstrates how to solve a probability problem using Texstudio in the Codio environment. 

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