Academic Resource Center

How do I use the ARC?

Learn about the Academic Resource Center (ARC). Get the answers to frequently asked questions here.

Workshop Schedule

Join a workshop, office hours, or peer group today and let's learn together.

The Shapiro Library

Enter here to research books, journal articles, FAQs, and help guides.

Course Content and Assignment Help for Students

Find a resource by clicking the headings below to see what is available in that category. You can also type your topic, question, keyword, or course code in the search bar above. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Assistive Technologies

This area is dedicated to learning about AI and how to use it ethically, as well as information about assistive technologies available for students.

ESOL, Student Skills, Learning Styles, and Academic Support Services

This area is dedicated to strengthening student skills as well as information about all of our services in Academic Support. 

Infographics and Shareable Content

Search our library of infographics to share. These infographics highlight our services, workshops peer groups, office hours, and academic skills. There is a PNG and pdf version for each infographic. The infographics include messaging about ASC services or Workshop and Office Hours times, days, and descriptions. These are great resources to share in courses.  The workshop schedule and infographics are updated every undergraduate term, so be sure to share the latest version. 

Resources and Information for the Student Journey

Have a suggestion or a request? Share it with us!