30 Articles
- Statistics: YouTube playlist by the Academic Support Center (with Video)
- IHP-340 Workshop Recordings Playlist (with Video)
- Hypothesis Test Conclusions
- Hypothesis Testing Using the Classical Approach
- Creating Null Hypotheses
- Dispersion
- Intro to Central Tendency: Measures- Mean, Median, & Mode
- Intro to Confidence Intervals
- Qualitative vs. Quantitative Data
- Real World Normal Curve
- Tips for Writing Math Discussions
- Understanding Frequency
- Understanding Hypothesis Testing
- Levels of Measurement
- Standard Deviation vs. Standard Error
- Standard Normal Distribution
- Statistics and Probability Symbols
- Center, Shape and Spread
- Fitted Models
- Normal Distributions and Central Limit Theorem
- Scatterplots and Linear Regression
- Exponent Rules
- Rounding Numbers
- Correlation Coefficient (with Video)
- Hypothesis Testing with One-Sample Means (with Video)
- Linear Regression Equation (with Video)
- Mistakes in Math (with Video)
- Scatter Plots & Estimating Y (with Video)
- Stats FAQs: Five Number Summary (with Video)
- The What & Why of Statistics (with Video)