Title | Skills Covered | Description | Source | Link |
Photoshop | Tools, software | Basic walkthrough of photoshop software; what each does and where to find certain items. | Adobe Creative Cloud site | https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/how-to/ps-basics-fundamentals.html |
Illustrator | Tools, software | Basic walkthrough of illustrator software; what each does and where to find certain items. | Adobe Creative Cloud site | https://helpx.adobe.com/illustrator/tutorials.html |
Animate | Tools, software | Basic walkthrough of Animate software; what each does and where to find certain items. | Adobe Creative Cloud site | https://helpx.adobe.com/animate/tutorials.html |
Unreal Engine | Tools, software | Walkthrough of Unreal Engine and how to use the software | Unreal Engine site | https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/Basics/GettingStarted/ |
3DS Max | Tools, software | Walkthrough of 3DS Max and it’s functions | Autodesk site | http://docs.autodesk.com/3DSMAX/16/ENU/3ds-Max-Tutorials/ |
Maya | Basics of Maya GRA 212 | Basics of Maya | Faculty SNHU Media | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruHxEH9Df-Q |
Maya | Skinning Technique for Character Animation GRA 212 |
Goes over skinning technique for Character Animation | Faculty SNHU Media | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQ5gKMlkqcc |
IT-140 Game Walkthrough Sample | Game Walkthrough | Goes over how the game should function. Sample. | Faculty SNHU Media | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvmAaQWWMWE&t=165s |
For Loops in Python | For Loops in Python | Discusses For Loops in Python | SNHU Academic Support | https://bit.ly/AS-ForLoopsPython-SG |
While Loops in Python | While Loops in Python | Discusses While Loops in Python | SNHU Academic Support | https://bit.ly/AS-WhileLoopsPython-SG |
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